
Full-stack freelance developer

I am a full stack developer from Madagascar, just tell me the what and I will manage to do the how of your web development project.

Pety ialimijoro Rakotoniaiana

My name is Pety Ialimijoro Rakotoniaina but you can just call me Pety or Mijoro.

In February 2018, I graduated with a master’s degree in computer science at Ecole Nationale d’Informatique of Madagascar, since then I have decided to become a freelance full-stack developer. Upwork is the platform that I have mostly used to find my clients. After years of hard work, I am now one of their top-rated freelancers.

In 2020, I and my friends decided to start our own company Akata, a part of my full-time job, I also help and mentor junior developers there.

My biggest motivation right now is to become better at what I do, learn new skills, and work with other great developers worldwide.

A part of coding, I spend most of my time taking care of my body(working out, cooking, meditating, etc…), playing video games, having fun with my families and friends.

What I do

Think of the backend as the engine of your system, it contains the logical behaviors and most of the magic happens there.
Working on the backend is where I feel more comfortable and even though I can do some front end stuff, I consider myself more of a backend person.

I am focusing on Node JS and PHP stack recently, I also have some background in Python and if you are patient, I can even learn something completely new for your project.

3 things are crucial for me when I design a backend system: scalability, security, and efficiency.

Being familiar with the Linux Operating System, I am the one who will deploy your website to the server of your choices.



Since November 2021, I have joined Datapunk as a remote full stack developer. Patrimonist is one of their product that I am working with.

Technologies used: Nest JS, Next JS, Angular JS


Since November 2021, I have joined Datapunk as a remote full stack developer. Hubfinance is one of their product that I am working with.

Technologies used: Nest JS and Next JS

321 Sauvegarde

321Sauvegarde is a new backup solution to prevent data loss whenever you want to protect your personal data or company data.

I helped them in developing their e-commerce website as well as the user dashboard portal along with one developer.

Technologies used: WordPress with Woocommerce; Laravel and Vue JS

Far frontier studio game backend

I designed and developed a game backend solution for Far frontier studio to replace game sparks(it’s a popular game backend) with their own custom one.

Sometimes gamesparks was facing a latency issue and unexpected downtime, that’s why they wanted to have a system that they can scale and control themselves.

Technologies used: Node JS with Socket IO; React JS for the game admin; MongoDB and Redis; Kubernetes as we opted for microservice

Indemniflight backend

I have helped the Indemniflight team on improving their backend end performance and implemented some features to enhance their back and front office system.

Note that I wasn’t the one who created their website.

From October 2019 – until now depending their needs

Anne Lise Sophrologue CMS

Along with one developer, the client provided us a PSD mockup containing the UI of her website, our assignment was to create a custom CMS like WordPress for the client, we used Node JS with Loopback framework for the backend and React JS for the front end.

May 2020 – June 2020

Mankind reborn
Mankind reborn backend

Mankindreborn is an upcoming game, my assignment was to implement the core functionality of their website. They wanted something portable that they can easily install so we agreed to develop a WordPress plugin.

The scope was to develop an account management system as well as integrate Paypal and Braintree to accept some payments. I have also integrated Discord API to add user’s dynamic roles.

Due to the complexity of the user dashboard, I have integrated React JS on top of WordPress

September 2018 – May 2019

Yes 4 Humanity
Yes 4 Humanity waiting page

“Yes 4 Humanity” is an upcoming social network for people who are passionate by the environment and human’s rights, my assignment was to code a waiting page from a mockup to allow users to register.

My client preferred to use Node JS with Express and MySQL for the backend, React JS for the front end.

Track mobile app

During my internship, I helped the TAG IP team in designing and developing a mobile application for geolocation using React native technology with the help of TAG IP developer, I also participated in the backend development using REST API.

Get in touch

I am no longer available for new project but feel free to contact our new agency , we will be happy to help you out.


Pety Ialimijoro



Pety Ialimijoro Rakotoniaina